July 9, 2009

Sedgwick County Fair- July 9th

At my inservice today, someone mentioned that they were having the parade tonight at the Sedgwick County Fair in Cheney. I thought, "Hey, what a great FREE thing to do tonight, the kids love parades." So, we had a fast supper and went to Cheney. Ends up Amy, Nick, and Blake were there too, so we joined them for the parade. After that we decided just to walk down to the fairgrounds and just show the kids what a fair was like. . . Well, then we HAD to have a funnel cake and looked at all the 4H animals. We saw sheep being sheared-exciting! Then we were at the rides. The kids were begging to ride, and we found out it was bracelet night, so our FREE night rapdily got expensive! We bought bracelets and rode plenty of rides to pay for them. We stayed out WAY too late, but they had a BLAST. We will go back next year! Enjoy the pictures!

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July 8, 2009

Cupid's 9 wk appointment

I had my first official drs appointment for baby Cupid today. I took the kids (& Courtney for help!) so that they could see the baby in my tummy.
The wait from the nurse to Dr. Depew was a little long for them, but we made it. :)
The sonogram picture is not as impressive as Baby Mac's sono, being that Cupid's only 2.25 cm long right now, but here SHE (my guess) is. From left to right it's feet, body, head. The bright white line is the spine developing. (Dr. Depew didn't say this, but I'm pretty positive, I'm getting pretty good at reading these things. :) Robert says spinal cord too.)

I suppose it could be the umbilical cord too . . . I'm pretty sure that's in place already-- Lord knows this baby's been forcing me to eat nonstop! I've already gained 8 pounds! We saw the heart pulsing and heard the heartbeat too, as recorded on this picture. For those interested, since many like to make their guesses based on the heartbeat, Cupid's was 172 beats a minute today, fast to normal for this stage of development- no worries. :)
So, what's the due date? Well, the first sonogram measurement (sack only, not baby, therefore too early to be too accurate they say) said 2-15, today's sonogram baby measurements said 2-10, if you just do the math, it's 2-12. (But 'the math' is based on a normal cycle, and mine's always long). Dr. Depew is officially going by 2-12 just because it was what he had originally written down, and he doesn't change it unless measurements show several days difference.
But with my longer cycle and my previous birth histories:
Michael- 2 wks early, due to CO altitude
Isaiah- 5 days overdue
Elizabeth- 3 days overdue
Caleb- 1 day overdue
I'm sticking with Valentine's Day. . . I should probably tell my self AFTER Valentine's Day, so that I'm not discouraged when it takes that long. . . Been feeling good, just SUPER HUNGRY, more tired than usual, more emotional than usual (another hint that it's a girl- with Elizabeth I was horribly emotional, they say it's the extra 'girl' hormones), OH- and a SUPER NOSE nose! Ugh, I can smell myself all the time, and if I put on more deodorant, the smell of it makes my stomach curl too!
Be sure to ask the kids about seeing the baby kick, they were excited!

July 7, 2009

More 'nack? More 'nack pease?

It's always been cute how Caleb asks for food. He always says 'nack for snack.
Tonight though, it was especially nice to hear.
I'm in inservices again this week, and Chelsea was watching them today. She called me at 11:00 and said that Caleb was still sleeping, (or rather, sleeping again) but that he'd thrown up a couple a times. She didn't want me to come home, just wanted to know if I wanted her to give him any medicine. She's such a trooper! I left immediately. I found him lying on the couch and her playing cards with Isaiah and Elizabeth, having cleaned up all the mess already. . . . (Micahel was playing wii.) He wasn't even excited to see me, he just looked up at me, from the couch, pale and eyes half closed. He didn't even reach for me, smile, nothing, he just laid there. . . He threw up two more times while I made lunch. No fever, so I didn't give him anything. He hadn't had anything to eat/drink all morning so I offered him crackers and water. He ate them and started to get a little color back. I finally got a smile from him.
Anyways, Robert got off early so that I could go back to my inservice. I got home (Caleb napping again, but hadn't thrown up any more! :) ) and ran Lizziebear to gymnastics. When I got home again, Robert said that Caleb had two bowls of Ramen noodles and 7 crackers. Apparently that wasn't enough 'cuz Caleb ran up to welcome me saying, "Mommy, I found you. I found you. I want 'nack. I want 'nack." So I gave him a bowl of goldfish.

Nice to see that smile again!
Then he wanted "More 'nack" so I refilled his bowl.
He started really cheesing it for the camera.

"More 'nack" this time I tried a cheesestick. Now he's completely happy and unable to fill his belly. I don't know if he's starved 'cuz he didn't really eat all day, or if he's just ecstatic that his tummy feels good again. . .
He's sitting right here beside me on the couch, twisting my hair, saying "Mom, I sitting by you" and "More 'nack?" still! I won't give him anymore 'cuz I don't want to push it. . . . He'll be 2 years a week from tomorrow . . .

July 6, 2009

Comfy spot? Sure, why not!

Apparently Courtney really wore Elizabeth out today.
We went to go get her for supper, and here's where we found her
(Doesn't she look tall in those jeans?)
sleeping on the stairs. Her face jammed into this little spot that it hardly fits in.
And out so cold that Caleb went up and sat on her,
and she didn't move an inch.
This was actually the 1st picture that I took . . .
And to think, if I don't have my silly chiropractic pillow, my neck and back hurt!

July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

July 1, 2009

Worst Day (condensed)

I'm just in AWE and disbelief still. Yesterday was definately a day I'll remember. The boys are 7 & 5 and should be able to be trusted out of my sight for a little while . . . right? Apparantly not. They are grounded all day today. Take a guess as to which one or more of the following events happened yesterday to make me deem it the worst day in a long time.

1) The boys went outside while I was making lunch, found out how to turn on the pump for the well. When I went out to call them in for lunch, I found them sopping wet from head to toe with a full baby pool and water all over the ground.

2) The boys figured out how to take the screens off their bedroom window, got the dry spaghetti from the kitchen, and threw it all over the roof outside their bedroom window.

3) Elizabeth and Caleb tore down the very-old-and-needing-to-be-replaced-anyways curtains and rod in their bedroom.

4) The boys decided to sneek into the kitchen and get themselves a snack- sugar, plain and straight from the dispenser, and sunflower seeds, still in the shell.

5) Everyone of the kids refused to take a nap. I fought them, kept them in their rooms, separated them, threatened, spanked, ignored, re-separated, etc. for over an hour before I gave up. I'd bet that not one of them ever even cloesd their eyes.

6) The boys decided to take a bat and beat holes in an extra piece of sheetrock Daddie had in the garage.

7) The kids all decided to pump a bunch of soap into the bathroom sink, plug it, and run the water, filling it with water and bubbles until Mommie came in and found them, preventing overflow onto the floor.

Wow. So, which one(s) did the boys do to deem it the WORST DAY in awhile?

1 & 5?

3, 4, & 7?

3, 4, 5 and 6?

Go ahead, reread and make your guess . . .

Would you believe me if I said


Yeah, really! I'm not that creative, EVERY ONE of those events is true, and they all happened yesterday; more specifically, yesterday between 11:30 and 5:00.

Sometimes you just have a Whoopsie!

Last night at gymnastics, Elizabeth did a great job. She didn't cry the whole time and she got a chocolate Frosty from Wendy's after it was over (the two may have been related . . . )

The conversations that Ms. Mary had with the kids were absolutely precious; well, really it was just the kids' comments, but Ms. Mary deserves the credit for valuing language and encouraging it as she does.

Last week, Elizabeth had been asked to be the . . . model . . . demonstrator . . . IDK what's the best term here. When they move to the Dalmation room (obstacle course room), Ms. Mary explains the details of what to do (basically it's the same- same path, same skills- each time, but they throw a theme into it- sports or ocean or something) and she picks a child to DO what she's explaining to help the kids understand/remember it better. Anyways, so before we went last night, I was pepping Elizabeth up, telling her how well she did last time, that I thought she could go the whole night without crying (and maybe I mentioned that chocolate Frosty here), and what a good helper she'd been in the Dalmation room for Ms. Mary last time. . . She was excited and even though she fell asleep on the ride in there (bad day- no one napped- see Worst Day posting), she stayed in a good mood, and didn't cry the whole time. She was even outgoing enough to ask Ms. Mary if she could help in the Dalmation room again, so she got to.

"Sometimes you just have a Whoopsie" is the phrase Ms. Mary uses when you don't quite do a trick right, fall down, whatever. Elizabeth had a couple "Whoopsies" last night, she couldn't get her kartwheel right (really she's not even close), she slipped off the zipline before making it to the pit. Each time she did, she said "Sometimes you just have a Whoopsie" with the cutest, most innocent, unbothered face. She repeated that phrase over and over all night, even after we left and while we were shopping for groceries before going home. It was really cute . . . then again, after the day I'd had, maybe I was just euphoric to only have one child with me and be able to enjoy her as I should . . .

So, how many of you thought, after reading the title, that this was going to be an inappropriate title for posting about my pregnancy? Be honest.