July 7, 2009

More 'nack? More 'nack pease?

It's always been cute how Caleb asks for food. He always says 'nack for snack.
Tonight though, it was especially nice to hear.
I'm in inservices again this week, and Chelsea was watching them today. She called me at 11:00 and said that Caleb was still sleeping, (or rather, sleeping again) but that he'd thrown up a couple a times. She didn't want me to come home, just wanted to know if I wanted her to give him any medicine. She's such a trooper! I left immediately. I found him lying on the couch and her playing cards with Isaiah and Elizabeth, having cleaned up all the mess already. . . . (Micahel was playing wii.) He wasn't even excited to see me, he just looked up at me, from the couch, pale and eyes half closed. He didn't even reach for me, smile, nothing, he just laid there. . . He threw up two more times while I made lunch. No fever, so I didn't give him anything. He hadn't had anything to eat/drink all morning so I offered him crackers and water. He ate them and started to get a little color back. I finally got a smile from him.
Anyways, Robert got off early so that I could go back to my inservice. I got home (Caleb napping again, but hadn't thrown up any more! :) ) and ran Lizziebear to gymnastics. When I got home again, Robert said that Caleb had two bowls of Ramen noodles and 7 crackers. Apparently that wasn't enough 'cuz Caleb ran up to welcome me saying, "Mommy, I found you. I found you. I want 'nack. I want 'nack." So I gave him a bowl of goldfish.

Nice to see that smile again!
Then he wanted "More 'nack" so I refilled his bowl.
He started really cheesing it for the camera.

"More 'nack" this time I tried a cheesestick. Now he's completely happy and unable to fill his belly. I don't know if he's starved 'cuz he didn't really eat all day, or if he's just ecstatic that his tummy feels good again. . .
He's sitting right here beside me on the couch, twisting my hair, saying "Mom, I sitting by you" and "More 'nack?" still! I won't give him anymore 'cuz I don't want to push it. . . . He'll be 2 years a week from tomorrow . . .

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