June 28, 2009

I haven't gotten everyone called yet, but . . .

We're expecting another baby! Right around Valentine's Day. Are we excited? yes. Stressed and overwhelmed? yes. Reprioritizing everything? yes.

Several people have told me that I need to post the conversation we had when we told the kids, so here it is:

On Father's Day, after our bedtime prayers, we asked the children, "What would you say if we told you that Mommy had another baby growing in her tummy?"

"Liar!" was Michael's gut response. (I say this to him when I know he's teasing me.)

"Why do you say that?" I asked him.

"Because you and Daddy always say that 'Four kids is PLENTY' " he responded with a cute, mimicing exaggeration of the word plenty.

Robert and I smiled and laughed. "Well, yes, but sometimes God just gives you another baby anyways." I responded. "Isaiah, what do you think?"

"I think I want it to be a boy." Isaiah says. Michael was still looking at me speculatively.

"Elizabeth, what do you think?" I asked. She walked over to me, looks at my tummy and then looks at me and says,

"There's a baby in there?" I nod. "Can I give it a hug and a kiss?" she asks.

"Yes" I answer. So Elizabeth bends down and gives the baby her first hug and kiss.

Isaiah interrupts and says, "Actually, I think we have enough boys around here, I think it should be a girl." Which is my guess too. Caleb was just mosying around, going from one lap to another, one chair to another. He's not very good about sitting for the Bible story and prayer time yet.

Michael continued to doubt us, so I asked Robert to go get my sonogram picture. Robert shared it with Michael and though there's really nothing you can see in it, Michael's seen them before, and it was enough to get him to believe us. However, he remains uncommented about his opinion.

A couple days later at family night, I asked Michael if he'd like to make our announcement to the rest of the family during the before meals prayer; his answer: "No, let Isaiah. He's more excited about it than I am." Isaiah was thrilled to make the announcement and did so very nicely.

So . . . a request: I don't like saying "it" for a whole pregnancy, and I don't want to find out this time (haven't talked to Robert about that yet). While my guess is a SHE, I also don't want to say that throughout and be wrong, so I was trying to come up with an inutero nickname like Amy's cute 'Boo' for her Halloween-due baby. Anyone got any good ideas for a Valentine's-due baby? or a fifth-due Trujillo?

June 20, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Isaiah!

Happy Birthday Isaiah! I can't believe that you're 5 years old today! And for some reason you LOOK older today as I'm preparing these pictures . . . it's probably my mind playing tricks on me. . . You still have your ornery as ever smile though!

So, the party started as most Trujillo birthday parties do, with Mark and Jenny coming over early to help decorate the birthday cake/cookie in this case. (And, they weren't all that early today, but since they were registering for their due-in-3-weeks- baby that they just found out about YESTERDAY (YEAH!), I guess that was excuseable . . . :) )

Isaiah had been discussing a dinosaur birthday forever, then it changed to Transformers and "octimus rime". However, when we went to the store, he decided upon Star Wars, (mostly because mommie let him get a mask and an inflatable light saber -which, BTW, we didn't even make it around to inflating- to go with it). We decided the cookie should NOT have all that black icing on it, and should simply say "Happy 5th Birthday!"

As you can tell, the birthday child always gets to help with the decorating,
and they love every minute of it!

And Mark always "does the icing" . . . This translates to: squirts remaining icing STRAIGHT INTO OUR MOUTHS!

Thanks Jenny and Mark for taking time today to help with this again! I know you had alot on your minds and to do lists today. Thanks for taking the time to make Isaiah's day extra special!

Then we went on to the opening of the gifts. He got several things, and we've played with most already. He tried on his shoes and said, "There's even room for my toes!"
Right now the kids are practicing for "Sliding Sorry".

When we asked him at supper, what his favorite gift was, he didn't really pick one. Instead, he just listed them all off. I was impressed that he remembered them all, and surprised that he didn't really have a favorite. . .

I love their faces as they tried to figure this one out.

Then it was time for blowing out the candles. (Thanks Amy for picking up my camera for this!) He was all business at the beginning.

But then, he didn't really like the candles Grandma Cheryl gave us to use. They said Sparkler Candles. Elizabeth said that it looked like fireworks on his cookie and Isaiah said "I don't want any of those like that." Well, his face says it all really . . .

Then he warmed up to them.

And blew them out with only a little difficulty.

Finally, at supper we asked if he had a good birthday today. He said, "Well, no, 'cuz Daddie gave me too much cookie and ice cream" with a completely serious look on his face.
We can never win!
I forgot to mention earlier, he's been counting down for awhile now, checking the calendar. Two days ago, he informed me that he was saving his K-State shirt for his birthday party. I was impressed that he had given it so much private thought and planning. I didn't realize 4 year olds did that. Anyways, point is, he was really anxious for his birthday and party, and he really was looking forward to it. Thank you again everyone, for the card and gifts, and for celebrating his birthday with him. He had a great day!

June 18, 2009

Caleb's Cute Quirk

Caleb, our 4th-but-you'd-think-he-was-an-only-child child, has a cute quirk. He likes to twist my hair. Anytime, anywhere. Here I was hurrying to get Isaiah ready for his ball game (which, if you'll remember from Isaiah's t-ball blog entry, isn't a great time) and Caleb decided he needed some reassurance.

So he came over and was searching, searching,
found my hair, pulled it out of the pony tail and TWISTS. Twist. twist and pull. twirl. pull. twist.

And then the other day I found this . .

He thought Lizziebear was Mommie laying with him and was twisting her hair!

Oh, I'm waking her up taking pictures with the flash on! Oops!

OK, honestly, sometimes this is a little bit of an annoying quirk when he pulls my hair out of my ponytail, or creates a rat and PULLS so that his fingers can go all the way through again. But more often than that, it lets me know that he loves his Mommie! It's amazing and nice that such a little thing can be so comforting.

Michael's coach pitch pics

Michael is playing coach pitch ball at St. Mark's this year. It is quite different than the Y ball he's played the last couple summers- VERY DIFFERENT! He's loving it though! His team is made up of going to 2nd and going to 3rd graders (Michael's going to 2nd). He plays catcher and outfield and 3rd base. . .

Though he hits my and Robert's and mom's pitches in our yards, he bats about 50% at games :). Here he's made a great hit and runs to make it to 1st! Great Job Michael!!!!

Notice the backs of their shirts- last names and numbers and everything- WOW! Big league stuff! :)

I spy a Trujillo

The other morning, I got up early to leave for tutoring, and here was the scene when I left. Can you spy 5 Trujillos? Look closely . . . Michael's hard to find.

Yes, we have a family bed-some mornings, not always. And, yes, I was in that open spot and SOMEHOW I got out of bed without waking anyone- to Daddie's delight, I'm sure!

June 16, 2009

Isaiah's t-ball

So Isaiah's in t-ball again this summer. This year he's playing for St. Marks. He argues and fights with me every time it's time to get dressed, however, he loves it once he gets there!
IN THE FIELD: In this particular picture he's playing right field . . . and not particularly paying attention. However . . .

When the ball came to him, he WAS ready and he DID stop it, stand, and make the throw to first. (Didn't make the out, don't remember why. . . ) GREAT JOB ISAIAH!

Isaiah has been getting good hits (they do strike out after 3 missed), but often (whisper)-he's too slow- and gets thrown out at first. In last night's game, he made it on base at least once, maybe twice. But the one time I'm thinking of, he ran all the way around the bases (they pretty much only move one base per batter) but for the final batter, the other team had the sense to throw home for the force and they got him out. . . Better than the runner before him though (instead of running home, he ran straight from 3rd base to the dugout, so when they threw home, he was definitely out!)
Finally, Isaiah, smiling and showing how much he loves the sport (sorry it's sideways, I turned it twice, but when I download it/ or upload it, whatever, it keeps coming up sideways!) Big smile for all his fans! :) We love you Isaiah!

June 12, 2009

Good Day . . . good couple days actually

Nothing in particular, well, yeah, several particular things, but just lots of little things going together and getting accomplished these last couple days. No pics, still in too much of a hurry, but . . .

The BIGGEST thing for us- Robert worked ALL DAY today in the garage. Finished shelves to unpack enough items to get BOTH VEHICLES IN THE GARAGE! Yea! This has been bugging me. Many of the boxes either got unpacked, gone through and put away, or stored in our now DRY (thanks Todd) basement. A couple of them went into the front room/computer room to be sorted through, but overall, the garage is done and we have ALOT less boxes lying around!

What else since my last blog? Robert and I celebrated our 8th anniversary. :) He bought me roses on the day and a couple days later we went out to dinner (chicken fried steak and potatoes, and wonderful rolls; definately NOT on my diet plan!) and then to a movie- we saw The Hangover at Amber's suggestion- IT WAS HILARIOUS! I don't remember the last time I laughed so much! Sara and her girls came over to babysit-- THANK YOU!

Robert and I got our new driver's licenses -- change of address. We got Sam's cards. We ordered a home phone line that should be hooked up on the 16th, I'll get you all the number later. Good news on Jenny's blog. Good news on Brandi's blog. Planning a trip to CO Springs for one of Robert's cousin's wedding on August 1st. Planning a trip to San Antonio/Sea World in late July. The boys may be spending a week with Prampa John and Grandma Crystal (and Aunt Nyketa and Baby Cadence, and Uncle Troy and Emilly and brand new baby Kyrah)-- BUT THEY DON'T KNOW THIS YET, so don't say anything to them! . . . What else, boys' ball teams are doing well. Both are enjoying it. Michael hit a triple on Wed night- he was REALLY excited! He also played infield for the first time-3rd base, also his normal: left field, right field, and catcher. Isaiah also played 3rd base, catcher, and was told to go to left field but went to right instead! :)

Isaiah's been going to preschool this week, and will continue to next week. It's 2 hours M-Th, and he has a pretty good teacher (me! :)) I'm actually really impressed with how well he's doing and how much he's learning. His writing of his name is getting good, and he's learned how to write (form) his numbers from 1-6 so far (next week we'll finish through 9). He can rhyme, cut, do lots of the things that the others can. HOWEVER, I'm still very comfortable with waiting him a year to go to Kindergarten- academic redshirting as it's now being called since it's becoming so popular. Anyways, he's really loving it. Doesn't complain at all when he has to be woken up and dressed before the rest. He likes to start group conversations during work times, takes polls during transitions. He'll just annouce a little loudly to the group: "So, who can ride their bikes without training wheels? . . . . I can. I just took them off, and I can ride it WITHOUT FALLING DOWN." It's really cute. I keep saying that he's my little politician because he'll talk to anyone . . . He's definately a leader, nonetheless.

Michael lost ANOTHER tooth tonight! BIG, BIG gap now! I'll get a picture up soon. . . Oh, we found out that the van is a "flex vehicle" takes E85 gasoline!!!! That means we just dropped our gas price by about 50 to 60 cents a gallon! Yea! Stations online look promising for our vacations.

Isaiah's birthday party is on his birthday, next Saturday the 20th, at 3:00pm. He's decided on Star Wars theme (only because it meant that he got to get a little inflateable lightsaber.) He's excited to be turning 5. Caleb's is next. He'll be two on July 15th . . .

Well, that's probably way more than anyone cares to hear about . . . Oh, I did want to ask one thing. Since I'm doing some extra work this summer, and my cel phone (rather, the backup phone that I'm borrowing from Jenny and Mark since mine died) is, well, about 8 years old, I'm thinking of spoiling myself with a nicer phone. I'm up for one at the end of this month. Any suggestions?

June 6, 2009

And the tooth is out!

So, Michael's tooth FINALLY is out! Any last minute votes on how it came out before you read . . . ?

Well, mom and I thought for sure that he lost it at his game on Wed night, because while playing left field, he kept pulling at something in his mouth. At first we thought he had dirt or grass in the way, then we both remembered his tooth and guessed it had fallen out. In the end, it was the sunflower seed shell that he was still eating on! (Guess mommy didn't explain them well enough when I sent them with him-- not in the field, only on the bench!-- anyways. Here's his before picture tonight.

Then here's him letting Daddy try to pull it out again. We tried last night too. We counted down from 10 as a group but it slipped from Daddy's fingers! Tonight Isaiah counted down from 5 by himself (I was impressed) for Daddy & Michael . . .5 . . . 4 . . . (Michael doesn't really even look worried does he? Big smile under there :) ) 3 . . . 2 . . . 1

And Daddy PULLED REALLY HARD . . . (yes, only one try, and yes, somehow I snapped at the right moment!) . . . And next is the bloody mouth picture.

Just kidding mom, you can uncringe. I did take one, but I didn't post it here.

Finally, we have Michael, with much bigger holes in his smile, and his lost tooth safely tucked away in his tooth fairy pillow that Great Grandma Ginia made for him.
At the beginning of this school year, it being the first year that Michael attended St. Marks, I had most every teacher that Michael encounter tell me that he has THE BEST SMILE, or HIS SPIRIT JUST SHINES THROUGH THAT SMILE. Everyone, library, PE, music, all his teachers commented to me on his smile. . . Can you imagine what this "best smile" is
going to look like when the other top tooth (which is also pretty loose at the moment) falls out? How he'll eat, I don't know!
BTW- His first tooth he let Daddy pull too (I had been teasing him to let me, and he said I could. So I started and grabbed ahold of it and then, realizing that he was serious, I chickened out and made Daddy do the dirty work!). His second fell out one night at supper. His 3rd he lost when he and Daddy had their boys trip to CO- just noticed at the end of the day that it was gone. His 4th tooth, I honestly can't remember, I'll have to ask Daddy or Michael. And #5-Daddy pulled it!

So, there was ONE person who voted he'd let Daddy pull it--- Who was the correct voter? ? ?

June 2, 2009

Lizziebear starts gymnastics today!

Elizabeth gets to start gymnastics tonight! She is really excited. We tried on several different leotards (that seems like an oldfashioned word-is that right?)-thank you again everyone who gives us hand-me-downs! This one seems to fit well and she has more to grow into.

She loves to pose for the camera, so here are some of the cuter poses . . .

I was going for a ready-to-do-a-cartwheel pose here, but she couldn't get the I'm-a-monster-with claws thought out of her head! Maybe this will improve with lessons . . .

The 'rules' (mommy's rules) to gymnastics are: 1) She has to wear a leotard (I'm sure there's a better word than that . . . ) & 2) her hair has to be either in a braided poinytail, or a frenchbraid- today she chose a pony with braid. (Hair out of eyes is actually one of their rules, and leotard or comfortable, moveable clothes is another of their rules.)

She is SUPER-EXCITED to go! Hopefully she stays that way once we get there because Robert is working tonight so I get to go with the other 3 in tow, and she can't cling to my leg for help because I won't be able to give it to her. . . Ms. Mary is her teacher, and if I remember right, she was Isaiah's teacher about 3 years ago . . . In fact, I believe she was MY teacher when I went there, well, let's not say how many years ago! Anyways, cross your fingers that she stays excited and demonstrates a little independence! ;)

June 1, 2009

Planting a Garden

I took all the kids to Wal~Mart a couple weeks ago (that alone is an adventure) and let each of them pick out some flowers to help make the newly/mostly de-weeded front yard more colorful. They each picked a color/flower, and I picked one to go with it.

Isaiah, my little nature boy, really enjoyed the planting. He picked the orange and I added yellow to go with it.

Elizabeth picked pink, of course, and I added purple to go with her pot. She also really enjoyed planting. Each child picked out some gardening gloves too, hers are . . . take a guess . . . DORA! We've actually used them several times. The kids have helped me continue weeding, we've planted a couple more flowers. We have a friendly frog whose made his home in our bright pink flowers! We're trying our first garden, so far we have planted: watermelon, tomatoes, habaneros, and strawberries. Oh, and parsley and chives too, in the front. Each of the children also has a portion that they are in charge of watering each morning too . . .
So, if you come over and enjoy our flowers, be sure to tell the kids they're becoming good gardeners!

Michael's Gangley Teeth!

Michael is as bad as I used to be when I was little. I always let my teeth go until they dangled from a string; NEVER letting anyone pull it out.
Michael has only lost 4 teeth so far, all of them on the bottom. Those spaces on the top are just his gums making room is my best guess. His middle top two are really, REALLY loose, almost to the point of twisting them around in a complete circle. He's looking rather gangley (especially when adding his need for a haircut). However, whenever we mention pulling it out, or even seeing it closely, this is what we get:

Caleb LOVES balls!!!

If you know Caleb, you know that he loves balls. Needless to say, one of his favorite activities is dumping out our tub of balls, which has to have over 100 balls in it, and then throwing them, bouncing them, rolling them, carrying as many as he can all over the house, etc.

Can you see the gleam in his eyes? This is the smile that I used to get all the time before his recent pneumonia, since then it's been harder to elicit. These pictures were taken May 1, 2009.

Playing Dress Up- May 1, 2009

One of the first toys out was our dress up clothes, and the kids really loved them. We have firefighters, army men, doctor/nurse outfits, and of course, princess attire. ALL of them wanted the cool dresses, so, I let them of course! Daddy came home right in the middle of it this particular day and snapped these pictures for us.